Software development at Leipzig University Library

Cur­rent and past soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment pro­jects at Leip­zig Uni­ver­si­ty Libra­ry can be view­ed on the public Git­Hub pages or on the university’s own Git­Lab ser­ver and down­loa­ded for future use.

List of selected projects


Crea­ti­on of mani­fests from METS/MODS data for the IIIF-API.

[Git­Hub-Repo­si­to­ry] [Posts@UBLab]


Down­load meta­da­ta using the OAI-PMH protocol.

[Git­Hub-Repo­si­to­ry] [Posts@UBLab]


pyg allows easy retrie­val and ana­ly­sis of You­Tube metadata.

[Git­Hub-Repo­si­to­ry] [Posts@UBLab]

VuFind FID-Module

Soft­ware modu­les for the use of VuFind for por­tal pages of spe­cia­li­zed infor­ma­ti­on ser­vices (Fach­in­for­ma­ti­ons­diens­te).

[Git­Hub-Repo­si­to­ry] [Posts@UBLab]