VuFind FID-Module
The DFG-funded projects for the development of special information services (FID) for Movie‑, Media- and Communication Science at the Leipzig University Library and Book, Library and Information Science at HAB Wolfenbüttel in cooperation with the Leipzig University Library, developed software modules tailored to the specific needs of FID portals. They can be easily integrated into existing systems. The software modules have been used with the open source discovery software VuFind. They are partly dependent on VuFind (see information below). All software modules are open source and can be used freely. In the following, the software modules will be briefly introduced in theory and practice.
Content modules
FID portals often integrate availability information for media, which determines best availability depending on the institutional affiliation of the user. For this purpose, FID content modules have been developed. Each of them queries a specific service of a third party provider with user information. It integrates the next best availability in the portal front end. In doing so, FID Content modules can be integrated on the front-end interface in any position.
Boss module
With the boss-module, availability information for print copies is queried and displayed in the affiliation library of the FID user. The integration is done in VuFind from version 5.0 using Composer and requires the availability of user specific information in the home library (see Documentation).
Source code:
The dbis-module allows integration of the subject database service DBIS in VuFind (e.g. on a static web page). Further, it displays access options depending on the library affiliation of the user. The integration is done in VuFind version 5.0 or higher using Composer and requires the availability of user specific information about the library affiliation (see Documentation).
Source code:
Worldcat-search module allows the direct integration of availability information for print copies in VuFind. The integration is done in VuFind version 5.0 and higher using Composer (see Documentation).
Source code:
fidis — user administration backend
The user group of FIDs is institutionally heterogeneous. Hence, FID portals require authentication of the user community and the granting of access to licensed content after successful authentication. For this purpose, an independent, lean, easy to reuse and above all interface-based user management solution was developed. It can be connected to existing systems as backend. The API named fidis (FID Information Service) was implemented in Symfony and API Platform and provides the following management functions:
- Registration and login to the portal, the storage and delivery of personal data (profile) of the users and the allocation to specific groups. In consequence, permission to use certain portal functions such as access to FID licenses can be granted.
- Technically relevant information about libraries in German-speaking countries are dellivered, which can be indicated by users as library affiliation (e.g. a location-based availability display is realized for each user)
- Processing of orders that are triggered in the frontend. Here, fidis acts as middleware between the VuFind frontend and the library’s management system by capturing the orders and initiating subsequent processes
- Administration of the above mentioned login information and orders by the librarian administration of the respective FID
Since all these functions are accessible via web interfaces (API), their complete integration in the web front-end could be realized. Neither users nor FID coordinators have to carry out administrative actions via other portals. Fidis is especially suitable as an easily integrable management solution for systems like the FID portals. It incorporates restrictions of the backend to the concretely necessary functionalities on the one hand and the immediate adaptability to arising requirements of the involved FID on the other hand. Furthermore, the administration backend can be easily connected to other discovery or library systems due to its interface architecture.
Source code:
A demo of the fidis backend is available. It can also be connected to local VuFind installations:
VuFind integration
For the integration into VuFind the fidis client is required, which is provided as part of the fid-VuFind release by finc user community:
The VuFind FID modules were developed in the DFG projects “Fachinformationsdienst für Medien‑, Kommunikations- und Filmwissenschaft “”” (DFG project number 249151017) and “Fachinformationsdienst Buch‑, Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft” (DFG project number 325715238) at Leipzig University Library and HAB Wolfenbüttel.